“Hundreds” of options let you be yourself. Private Division and Roll7 have unveiled their latest trailer for OlliOlli World, the latest and upcoming entry in the popular side-scrolling skateboarding series, and this one’s all about customisation. Hosted by Roll7 Co-CEO Simon Bennett, the video (up above) shows off a number of different ways in which […]
All DLC included. Launching today on Switch is Jurassic World Evolution: Complete Edition, a rerelease of the original 2018 game that comes with all DLC included. As you may know already, Jurassic World Evolution is a park management game based on the hit film franchise. A new launch trailer has been released (see above) and […]
Could November be the month? At The Game Awards earlier this month, Sega and Sonic Team lifted the lid on the new “open-zone realm” game Sonic Frontiers. It’s due to arrive at some point in the “holiday 2022”, so when exactly can we expect the blue blur’s next outing? According to the PlayStation database tracker […]