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As a child of the ’90s, I’ll admit that there are many trends of that decade that I’d rather leave behind (pencil-thin eyebrows and towering Spice Girls–esque platform sneakers among them). And while I did dabble in some of the era’s more questionable looks—including butterfly clips and plastic chokers—I’m convinced the decade is far chicer than we give it credit for.
You only have to look as far as celebrity throwbacks featuring Gwyneth Paltrow, Naomi Campbell or Jennifer Aniston to see that the most standout looks from the ’90s were often the simplest. From knit dresses to chic silk slips, the outfits that can be categorised as easy and effortless are also the most prominent looks that have stood the test of time.
With this in mind, I delved into the archive and found a treasure trove of easy ’90s looks that I’d happily wear today, including a particularly lockdown-friendly Jennifer Lopez outfit and throwback Julia Roberts look that has been re-created by many an influencer this winter. Keep scrolling to see the simple ’90s outfits I’d still wear today.
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