“Taking my old pal Tails for another adventure”. It’s been a while since we got an update about the Sonic the Hedgehog 2 movie, but today we’ve got some exciting news. Tails’ voice actor has been officially confirmed as Colleen O’Shaughnessey. The talent has been voicing the character for many years now and will also […]
Here’s hoping for a worldwide release. South Korean fans who pre-order the upcoming Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl games for Nintendo Switch will receive a shiny version of either Zacian or Zamazenta, it’s been announced. As reported by Serebii, the shiny Pokémon will be distributed via a code given to any players who pre-order […]
Russland und die Ukraine haben Gefangene ausgetauscht. Der Kiewer Staatschef Selenskyj sieht ein Treffen mit Putin in weiter Ferne. Und: Berlusconi ist enttäuscht vom Kremlchef. Der Überblick.