“It’s not a good version, I cannot stress that enough”. It’s fair to say that Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition – from hereon just ‘GTA Trilogy’ – has been getting a bit of a pasting online. Though Rockstar is an exceptionally wealthy and successful game company, the remaster of three iconic […]
Zabrze (dpa) – Ex-Weltmeister Lukas Podolski hat beim Einstand fĂĽr seinen neuen polnischen Club GĂłrnik Zabrze eine Niederlage hinnehmen mĂĽssen. Der zur zweiten Halbzeit eingewechselte frĂĽhere FuĂźball-Nationalspieler unterlag mit Zabrze daheim 1:3 (1:1) gegen Lech Posen. Damit verlor das Team des 36-
H&M is often a go-to shop for the brand’s wide array of items to suit a variety of styles. While we highlighted some of the latest trendier items recently, we wanted to focus next on those especially versatile items. Here, we’re talking about pieces that are trend-forward and modern, but have that wardrobe staple quality in that they […]