Games World

13 Things We Learned in New Pokémon Snap

A Pokémon game with voice acting!

Nintendo were kind enough to invite to an extensive viewing of the long anticipated sequel to Pokémon Snap. We got to see multiple playthroughs of the Beach level during different times of day and even caught a glimpse of the games tutorial which revealed even more details, many of which have yet to be publicly shared by Nintendo – so let’s all board the NEO-ONE and take a ride in the Lental Region!

Voice Acting

During the tutorial one of Professor Mirror’s Assistants explained the control scheme such as how to move the camera and how to throw a Fluffruit – that’s not the interesting part. What makes it interesting is every single line of dialogue in this conversation was fully voiced! Only a small amount of games in the series have dipped their toe in proper voice acting like Pokkén or Pokémon Puzzle League but this comes across as far more extensive than past efforts. TPCi elaborated a little further on how voices will be handled:

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