Director James Gunn has confirmed that another HBO Max spinoff of The Suicide Squad is in the works. Last summer, James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad opened in theaters and on HBO Max. The film was well-reviewed by critics but lacked the box office success of other DC theatrical projects. The film eventually went on to […]
Netflix dropped another trailer for The Witcher’s upcoming second season which teases what’s to come for Henry Cavill’s Geralt of Rivia. The Witcher became one of the biggest hits for Netflix to date, with the streamer now committing to the series with various other projects also in the pipeline. Production on the second season of […]
Der Chef der Jungen Union, Tilman Kuban, sieht wegen der hohen Kosten für junge Menschen kaum Chancen für die Forderung der CSU nach einer Ausweitung der Mütterrente. Die junge Generation sei bereits der große Verlierer der Pandemie, sagte er der “Neuen Osnabrücker Zeitung” (Dienstag). “Trotzdem war