Call Off the Search: I’ve Found Three Perfect Pairs of High-Street Jeans
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Why is shopping for jeans so hard? I mean seriously, I’m a shopping editor, and I still end up tearing my hair out when trying to decipher the minuscule differences between straight-, slim- and regular-fit jeans. But as always seems to be the case with these things, you spend months hunting down the perfect pair, and then three come along at once.
I haven’t ordered much over the last six months. However, on a whim, I decided to order a few straight-leg styles from ASOS, hoping that out of three pairs at least one would turn out to be a winner. One was from Topshop, one from a brand called Reclaimed Vintage and one from & Other Stories, and you know what? They’re all fab. I have a dilemma on my hands: Which one do I choose? From Topshop’s longline high-waisters to & Other Stories‘ classic appeal, scroll down to see the styles and read my verdict.
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