The eShop’s biggest games. Nintendo has shared an updated list of Europe’s most-downloaded Switch eShop games, revealing which titles were the most popular during March 2021. Taking top spot this time around is Monster Hunter Rise, despite the fact that it only launched on the 26th of the month. Considering the title’s already shipped five […]
Erschreckender Vorfall auf einer Hundewiese in Dortmund: Ein Hund verbeißt sich im Gesicht einer Frau, sie wird schwer verletzt. Anstatt zu helfen, flüchtet das Herrchen einfach. Jetzt bittet die Polizei die Öffentlichkeit um Hilfe. Wem gehört der Hund, der Mitte Februar in Dortmund eine Frau schwer
All Metroid Dread Spirits now available permanently. If you’re on a mission to collect every last Spirit in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, you’ll be pleased to know that another set of previously limited-time characters have now been made available permanently. Back in October, upon the launch of Metroid Dread, three Spirits inspired by the game […]