London’s Coolest Dress Collector On the 5 Beautiful Styles She’ll Always Cherish
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Having delved into some of the UK’s most impressive closets thanks to our Best Wardrobes in Britain franchise, I think I can confidently say that Pippa Vosper has one of the best dress collections in the country. I haven’t had the pleasure of exploring her wardrobe (yet!) but it’s plain to see from her Instagram feed: 75.4k followers (of which I am one) are treated to whimsical, dreamy, dress-centric imagery on a very regular basis, and we can’t get enough of it. So alluring are her choices—white scalloped clouds of Cecilie Bahnsen, swathes of vintage cerise silk-satin—that I’m certain she could make the most hardened tracksuit wearer feel like slipping into something fancy for a low-key coffee run. “I can feel my energy go up a level when I put a beautiful dress on,” says Vosper, explaining that they are, for her, an “immediate mood lifter”. “It makes me stand taller, which of course has everything to do with confidence in that moment. I definitely stand in a different way when wearing a dress as opposed to jeans and a blazer—more elegant, more composed.”
Starting her fashion career as a stylist, Vosper now divides her time between presenting, hosting, organising events and writing—she’s particularly adept at telling personal stories you drink up until the very last drop. We share a mutual passion for a fantastic frock, so I thought it high time to combine her two skills and have the gown guru tell us the tales and memories tied to her most significant dresses.
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