My Mum Is 46 Years Older Than Me, But We Both Use These 8 Skincare Products
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My mum is no stranger to the Who What Wear scene. Of course, she’s a member of my family, so it’s a given that she has to put up with me talking about and testing beauty products 24/7, but since she has her own background and experience in beauty, trading secrets, application tips, and fave products with her is all the more fun. As I am a beauty editor, you’d think I’d be the one teaching her all of the things, but in reality, she’s taught me some of my most treasured beauty secrets and has turned me on to some of my most beloved products. (Plop her in a drugstore aisle and she’ll pull together an all-star ensemble of cheap makeup picks that will look so expensive on your face.)
So that’s kind of what inspired this piece. Over the holidays, I spent about three full months in Arizona where my parents retired, and in that course of time, I recommended tons of different products to my mum. I’m consistently gifted more products than I can humanly try as part of my job, so to get a second opinion on new launches or just whenever my mom was in need of something new or extra special, I’d set a few things on her vanity for her to test-drive—some she loved and some she, well, didn’t. Here, we’re celebrating 10 skincare products that are so effective and fabulous that we both love, use, and recommend them despite the 46-year age difference in our skin. Below, I asked my mum to share some insight into why she loves each of the all-star formulas, and to round it all out, she’s sharing a few makeup products she’s fallen in love with since I turned her on to them as well. Keep scrolling! Eight skincare products that we love for all ages are just ahead.
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