With the Flames of Ambition DLC game pack and Update 29 both now live on Xbox One, your Gates of Oblivion year-long adventure begins!
You can get access to the Flames of Ambition DLC with an active ESO Plus membership or by acquiring it with Crowns from the Microsoft Store. This new dungeon DLC challenges players with the Cauldron and Black Drake Villa four-player adventures, featuring dangerous new bosses, rewarding puzzles, and stories that lead into the Blackwood Chapter (now available for pre-purchase) and beyond.
Black Drake Villa
Join forces with the Wood Elf Eveli Sharp-Arrow to search the hidden archives of the Black Drake Villa in order to acquire a mysterious tome. Be warned, the once-proud mansion is now home to a tribe of monsters, and the villa’s archives below are engulfed in flames thanks to the arson of the True-Sworn mercenaries.

The Cauldron
The local townsfolk of Deshaan have been enslaved and are now forced to excavate hidden ruins deep within a long-forgotten mine. With the help of the Dremora Lyranth, you must enter the Cauldron, battle the Daedric beasts and cultists within, and end their sinister plans before they can be completed!

Each dungeon holds its own unique rewards, dangers to conquer, and puzzles to solve, and each can be completed in both Normal and Veteran difficulties. If you’re looking for a true challenge, however, you can choose to face all three of the Black Drake Villa’s bosses on Vet Hard Mode difficulty — not for the faint hearted!
Update 29 & New Champion System
In addition to the DLC, this release also includes the Update 29 base-game patch for all ESO players, completely free of charge. This patch includes a host of fixes and improvements, including the updated Champion System. With this major redesign, you will be presented with more choice and variability in how you wish to spend your Champion Points once you’ve reached level 50.

With only three core constellation groups and the ability to select and slot powerful passive boons, this updated system will allow you to build your character the way you want to play. We’ve extremely excited to see how the community uses this updated system and what kind of builds they create!
The Gates of Oblivion Begins
With the Flames of Oblivion and Update 29, your next big year-long adventure begins. What you discover in the flame-wreathed Black Drake Villa or the Daedric infested Cauldron will set up the story to come in both the upcoming Blackwood Chapter (releasing June 8 on Xbox One) and beyond! The Daedric Prince of Destruction has plans for Tamriel, and it’s up to you and your allies to stand against Mehrunes Dagon and his terrible schemes — good luck!

The Elder Scrolls® Online
Bethesda Softworks

The Elder Scrolls Online Collection: Blackwood
Bethesda Softworks
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