Games World

Review: Harvest Moon: One World – A Poor Imitation Of A Once-Great Series

Time to take this old horse out to the back of the barn.

Harvest Moon: One World, to summarise the next few hundred words of complaining, is a badly-paced, unattractive, hollow facsimile of a Harvest Moon game. And yes, we’re well aware of the Natsume/XSEED schism, and that Story of Seasons is the “true” Harvest Moon game, but even still, how the mighty have fallen. Surely it can’t be that hard to make a good farming game? Or at least a decent one? One World falls so short of “decent” that it’s almost incredible how much they messed up a pretty simple formula.

Right, then. Let’s begin. Harvest Moon: One World starts abruptly, spending very little time on story before kicking you into its sparse, flat world. The Harvest Goddess is missing, and everyone in the world has forgotten what vegetables are. However, you are a special, magical being, and by virtue of being so special and magical, you discover turnips (arguably far worse than potatoes) and begin your journey to restoring the world’s agriculture, and, eventually, the Harvest Goddess.

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