Whether you’re going behind enemy lines or creating a massive rotation hole, the new remote-controlled explosive drones coming to Rainbow Six Siege are here to make an impact. They belong to Flores, the new attacking Operator arriving with the launch of Crimson Heist. The new season also brings an explosive new secondary weapon called the Gonne-6, a rework of the Border map, and a Battle Pass with a bevy of new rewards. Oh, and you can play Rainbow Six Siege for free on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One starting March 18 through March 24. A free week, season launch, and even more explosions? It’s good, folks. It’s real good.
Flores hails from Argentina and he comes to Team Rainbow packing his RCE-Ratero gadget. The explosive little beauties can clear out a host of Defenders obstacles, including barricades, deployable shields, barbed wire, and any bulletproof Defender gadgets, like Maestro’s Evil Eyes. This makes Flores a powerful asset for any attacking team looking to clear the way for their push onto the objective. He can also do serious damage to anyone caught in the blast radius, though the explosive timer is long enough for nimble players to get clear.
You see, the RCE-Rateros don’t just drive in and go boom. Flores can drive them similarly to a normal Attacker camera drone (e.g. steer, jump, fit through drone hole), but the Rateros can’t stop or slow down. While moving, the device is vulnerable to just about any enemy damage, including bullets, melee, electricity, and lasers. But when it’s time to detonate — whether it’s triggered manually by Flores or automatically when the RCE-Ratero’s timer counts down — the RCE-Ratero armors itself, stops in its tracks, and becomes bulletproof. After a short fuse timer, the whole thing blows up, damaging or destroying anything (or anyone) unlucky enough to be within range.
Flores comes equipped with the AR-33 assault rifle or SR-25 marksman rifle, as well as a GSH-18 sidearm, with a choice of stun grenades or a claymore. In a first for Rainbow Six Siege, Flores will be unlockable through the premium track of the seasonal Battle Pass, which includes 100 tiers and 131 rewards. He will be the first unlock on the premium track; players who don’t pick up the Battle Pass will be able to unlock Flores starting on March 30 with Renown or R6 Credits.
Crimson Heist is also bringing some free updates to Siege players on Xbox, including a new secondary weapon option for some Attackers called the Gonne-6. The Gonne-6 can shoot a single explosive round to take out enemy gadgets, including bulletproof ones. A free rework for the Border map will also be released at season launch, adding some new mobility options like the interior balcony over the two-story Waiting Room, and a new exterior staircase outside of Archives/Offices. Plus, the public address system announcements and helicopter noises have been reduced, allowing you to focus more clearly on sound cues from approaching foes.
On March 18, Rainbow Six Siege will be free for one week for all players on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One, so it’s the perfect time to hop in and try blowing some stuff up for yourself. Just try not to blow yourself up!

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