Not so long ago, the fashion world was buzzing about the concept of a capsule wardrobe—the kind of compact closet that only held a bare minimum of pieces that all perfectly matched each other with great ease and much time saved in the morning. Perhaps because the economic downturn was ramping up at the same […]
Berlin (dpa) – Zum Auftakt der Internationalen Filmfestspiele in Berlin ist an den Wert des Kinos erinnert worden. Wegen der Coronavirus-Pandemie mussten Filmtheater monatelang schließen. Kinos seien nicht nur für die Branche wichtig, sondern auch “für uns”, sagte der künstlerische Leiter Carlo Chat
Official announcement expected in the “coming days”. Word on the street is that Nintendo of America is supposedly closing its official support forums after more than a decade. This information comes from Nintendo Everything via a post on the Nintendo subreddit. Individuals referred to as “top members” have apparently been sent an email about the […]