Berlin (dpa) – Im Machtkampf um die künftige CDU-Spitze deutet sich Bewegung an. In der hessischen CDU gibt es Sondierungen über eine mögliche Kandidatur des geschäftsführenden Kanzleramtschefs Helge Braun für den Bundesvorsitz. Nach Informationen der Deutschen Presse-Agentur aus Parteikreisen vom D
Marvel has released a brand new poster for What If…? that puts the focus on Ultron’s Vision wielding the infinity stones. What If…? is set to reintroduce Marvel fans to Ultron, one of the Avengers’ most daring foes, later this week. The episode will see Ultron finally stepping into Vision’s body – forming a unique […]
I love jeans, specifically my pair of white barrel jeans. Don’t be put off by the name; they’re much more versatile than they sound. The Arket pair that I own are brilliant because the denim is thick and sturdy, and they have a high-rise fit, so they are really comfortable to wear. The wide barrel shape […]