Münster (dpa) – Fußball-Viertligist SC Preußen Münster will sich bei der Entscheidung über einen möglichen Einspruch gegen die Wertung des verlorenen Pokalspiels gegen den VfL Wolfsburg nicht unter Druck setzen lassen. Ein Clubsprecher sagte auf Nachfrage, die Entscheidung darüber werde “sicher noch
Choosing the correct handbag to match your summer ensembles can be tricky. Black bags (which make up most of my collection) can often feel too drastic set against the breezier fabrications of summer clothes. Of course, you can always opt for tan bags, which feel tenfold more appropriate for the warmer months, but with most of […]
As temperatures start to drop and dark evenings draw in, it’s safe to say that my motivation to do just about anything has hit rock bottom. While post-work activities were abundant during warm summer evenings, as soon as autumn hit, I started spending my weekday afternoons battling energy slumps and counting down the minutes until it’s deemed acceptable […]