I’m a Fashion Editor and These Are the Stylish Exercise Buys I Rate
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The world of activewear—or as they said in the ye olden days, gym kit—hasn’t always been a particularly stylish one, and why should it be? More so than most other categories of clothing it exists to serve a practical purpose, and that is to get you from A to B, whether that’s a 10k amble in the countryside or a bass-pumping, 45 minute HIIT workout. However, I can’t deny that as someone who thinks and writes about fashion for a living (read: likes pretty things), I have found that the influx of style-savvy workout wear over the last few years has acted as added motivation to get my bum off the sofa and out the front door.
This desire only increased during lockdown last year, when going for runs became one of the few activities to do on a blank Sunday afternoon. It confirmed that, in fact, I haven’t been dressing for other people this whole time, rather putting on activewear that appeals to my aesthetic sensibility was, and still is, both a motivator and mood-booster. Alongside the many design-savvy styles now offered-up by big-name sports brands, such as Nike, Lululemon and Sweaty Betty, there are also plenty of high street brands and lesser-known names getting in on the activewear action. Arket has been one such brand that has really combined form and function with their yoga line, which comes in the most chic colourways. There are also labels such as Vaara and The Upside that are specifically catering to a more fashion-savvy audience. I’m obsessed with their ombre tracksuits, which will look just as good with a trench coat and boots as they will for a workout. Scroll down to see and shop my full activewear edit.
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