I’m a Fashion Editor and These Are the Stylish Exercise Buys I Rate
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The world of activewear—or as they said in the ye olden days, gym kit—hasn’t always been a particularly stylish one, and why should it be? More so than most other categories of clothing it exists to serve a practical purpose, and that is to get you from A to B, whether that’s a 10k amble in the countryside or a bass-pumping, 45 minute HIIT workout. However, I can’t deny that as someone who thinks and writes about fashion for a living (read: likes pretty things), I have found that the influx of style-savvy workout wear over the last few years has acted as added motivation to get my bum off the sofa and out the front door.
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Des soldats déployés dans les stations d’essence ont imposé samedi 14 août l’ouverture de plusieurs d’entre elles au nord de Beyrouth et ailleurs. ANWAR AMRO / AFP L’armée s’est déployée, samedi 14 août, dans des stations-service au Liban, en proie à de graves pénuries de carburants, le gouverneur de la Banque centrale refusant de rétablir les […]