Guess where they’re from? If you thought you knew everything there was to know about the original Pokémon trading cards, perhaps not. Twitter user @FanamelT has supposedly tracked down the source images used in the background artwork of the original series. It seems these images come from Datacraft Sozaijiten, a series of stock photos that […]
Die deutsch-amerikanische Freundschaft musste unter US-Präsident Trump diverse Blessuren hinnehmen. Sein Nachfolger Biden will sie heilen, was er Kanzlerin Merkel in Washington klar zu verstehen gab. Nach heftigen deutsch-amerikanischen Turbulenzen in den vergangenen Jahren haben US-Präsident Joe Bi
Matt Pottinger, special assistant to then-President Donald Trump and National Security Council senior director for East Asia, in Beijing, China, in 2017. | Mark Schiefelbein/Getty Images How to make Beltway friends and influence policy. Matt Pottinger served four years on President Donald Trump’s National Security Council, including 15 months as deputy adviser, and then resigned […]