Games World

Mini Review: Kill It With Fire – Arachnophobes Need Not Apply

Itsy bitsy spider climbed up the burning spout.

Spiders are truly wonderful creatures. They’re exceptionally clever and are able to create the most intricate, beautiful webs imaginable. They eat pests, thus preventing the spread of disease, and they happen to be the inspiration for one of the most beloved superheroes in modern culture. Yet for many people, spiders are the most detestable, disgusting beings ever to roam the earth. It’s not difficult to see why; their spindly legs and skittish behaviour are creepy enough as it is, but they somehow always manage to turn up when you least expect it.

Kill It With Fire is a game that grants those prone to arachnophobia a chance to enact revenge on the creepy crawlies that have forever haunted their lives (albeit in an entirely safe, digital manner – don’t kill spiders, folks!). Presented from a first-person point of view, you’re tasked with rummaging through various environments – from a normal, suburban household to a petrol station filled with gasoline barrels – in order to find and kill any spider that happens to be lying in wait.

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