Subscribe to The Ledger for expert weekly analysis on fintech’s big stories, delivered free to your inbox. Cashless payments were on the rise before the pandemic hit, and now, eight months into its grip on the U.S., their use is accelerating even faster. This was the topic of conversation at Fortune’s latest Brainstorm Finance panel […]
Our assignment to generate business better would be fueled by viewers just like you. Google faced mounting criticism Friday on its treatment of some dominant Black A.I. integrity researcher that says that she had been fired after questioning the firm ’s dedication to diversity within an email to coworkers. The letter called on Google to […]
By Tokyo to Madrid, there’so a lot of green onto the displays, with European monetary stocks, specifically, resulting in the way ahead. Investors have a risk-on mood as COVID figures worsen and more constraints are mulled in a few of the planet ’s largest savings. However, the markets will be undaunted (that acquired ’t be […]