Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns Ministerpräsidentin Schwesig macht die Stiko für die Coronalage in Deutschland mitverantwortlich und spricht über die Frage, ob Karl Lauterbach Gesundheitsminister werden sollte.
Join the hunt today. When a remaster of the N64 classic Turok 2: Seeds of Evil arrived on the eShop in 2019, multiplayer was nowhere in sight. At the time of release, developer Nightdive Studios said it was planning on continuing to support and update the title, as it did with all of its releases. […]
The Batman director Matt Reeves announced Michael Giacchino’s theme for The Riddler will drop later this week. There are numerous aspects of The Batman that have fans excited. Michael Giacchino’s score for the highly anticipated film is one of them, and Warner Bros. is slowly releasing parts of the soundtrack ahead of the film. Giacchino’s […]