An update will be provided at a “later date”. Last week, word quickly spread online that Nintendo’s Wii and DSi Shop Channels had been offline since at least 16th March. Naturally, it sparked fears that this could potentially be the end of these digital stores, although Nintendo hadn’t communicated this. Fortunately, it appears to be […]
Alexandre Gomes in 2008. Andre Akkari in 2011. Yuri Dzivielevski in both 2019 and 2020. And now Joao Simao has added his name to the rich and storied history of Brazilians at the World Series of Poker. The former PocketFives world #1-ranked…
Die Affäre um gesammelte Politiker-Daten belastet die Koalition in Sachsen. Nach SPIEGEL-Informationen verlangen auch zwei grüne Minister Auskunft, ob der Verfassungsschutz Daten über sie gespeichert hat.