Romancing the Power Stone?
Mighty Fight Federation may look like a party game, but Canadian developer Komi says its aim is to bring “a focus on fighting game fundamentals” to the 3D arena fighting genre. The genre we’re talking about here is not a player-character-tracking arena fight like ARMS or Virtual On, but rather a Power Stone-style all-on-one-screen havoc-‘em-up perfect for one-couch combat. And the “fundamentals” we’re talking about are those honed in the decades-long player/developer back-and-forth from Street Fighter II to the present day. That means everything is tuned for veterans thinking in terms of frames and hitboxes, rather than for all-the-family larks.
Still, there’s a cheery face on the whole thing, with 13 comic book-coloured characters (including cameos from Yooka-Laylee and a tag-team ToeJam & Earl), each bringing their own arena stage with platforms to climb on, walls to smash through or scenery to wreck. A lot of work has clearly gone into the comic-style backstories, too, which set everything in a world of improbable melodramatic vignettes somehow reminiscent of the scenarios from Elite Beat Agents. The fighting mechanics may be serious, but the pomp on it all is lots of silly fun.
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