To say that we’re excited about spring would be a gargantuan understatement. With weddings back on the agenda (the sort that bears a striking resemblance to those held prior to 2020), holidays on the horizon, and the general enthusiasm that comes with brighter, warmer days, spring is all we can talk about right now. And with […]
Wegen stark steigender Corona-Infektionszahlen stuft die Bundesregierung ab Sonntag fast ganz Österreich, Tschechien und Ungarn als Corona-Hochrisikogebiete ein. Das gab das Robert Koch-Institut am Freitag bekannt. Wer aus einem Hochrisikogebiet einreist und nicht vollständig geimpft oder genesen is
So-called “ugly” trends have been reigning supreme for the last couple of years, with Dad trainers, knitted tank tops, tie-dye, and quilted coats being some of the buys that initially raise eyebrows but have been adopted and are now adored by fashion types. This is the case when it comes to spring/summer 2021’s most prolific […]