Games World

Soapbox: Pokémon Diamond And Pearl’s Greatest Contribution To The Series Was The Underground

And sort of inventing Pokémon God.

There’s a Pokémon Presents tomorrow – the Pokémon-flavoured version of a Nintendo Direct – and I should be feeling like a kid on Christmas, since the announcement of a remake for Pokémon Diamond and Pearl seems almost certain. But I feel more like a kid on someone else’s birthday: wishing I could join in the fun, but feeling like it’s not about me.

For the record, I think a remake of Diamond and Pearl makes sense, and it’s not like the Pokémon series’ first foray onto DS will be without its fans. At the time, I loved it – I had Pearl, and my brother had Diamond, and I’m pretty sure we had a great time. But now, looking back on my memories with the games, all the things I loved most about it came from Ruby and Sapphire, or Gold and Silver. As a result, I can’t help but feel like Diamond and Pearl were games that were played safe for a new console, not daring yet to reinvent the formula.

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