All the Coolest Spring Jackets Have One Thing In Common
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Like many Millennials, I spent a fair chunk of my teens clad in cropped tops and jackets: From the crew-neck tees and bleached denim of the ‘90s to the long-sleeved iterations of the mid-noughties, it really was the silhouette du jour. My feelings towards the trend have somewhat cooled over the last decade, partly due to changing personal preferences, but also as a side-effect of the ‘bigger-is-better’ aesthetic that has prevailed within the fashion world.
Moins d’une grande entreprise sur quatre dans le monde est en mesure de limiter le réchauffement de la planète de 1,5°C d’ici 2050, révèle jeudi une étude de la société d’investissement britannique Arabesque. Cette enquête, qui a passé en revue de 2015 à 2019 près de 700 grands groupes cotés dans 14 pays dont les […]
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