7 Low-Effort Makeup Looks I’d Like to Copy and Paste From Instagram
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It’s been a long time since I’ve worn makeup (aside from dabbing a little concealer under my eyes for early morning school drop-offs that is). With almost a year spent working and staying home, you would be right to assume that my makeup bag has started gathering cobwebs in the corner of my bathroom. As someone who never used to leave the house without wearing mascara and lipstick, I have rather missed my makeup!
While I predominantly turned my focus to skincare in 2020—which is certainly not a bad thing—this year I’m officially ready to liven up my visage with makeup again. Because the reality is a little makeup makes me feel strong, confident, and ready to tackle the day—even if it’s just a simple look. In fact, easy, low-effort makeup looks are what I’m all about right now—something that makes me look and feel great without taking up too much time or effort.
Today I wanted to share some of the low-effort makeup looks I’ve been saving on Instagram that I’d like to copy for myself this year. From getting a little glow back to a pop of bold lip colour, take a peek below to get inspired to reach for your make-up bag once again.
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