I’ve Tried Hundreds of Sheet Masks, But These 15 Are the Best
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When it comes to controversial beauty products, sheet masks are pretty high up on the list. They’re expensive, usually one-use and are viewed as more of a quick-fix approach to skincare by skin experts who recommend sticking to consistent, ingredients-led routines for the best results. However, as a face mask fanatic I just can’t give up the joys they bring me. They’re indulgent, fun to use and feel like a treat—particularly during a time when, let’s face it, we should all be finding pleasure in the little things. And I know I’m not alone. A quick search on Instagram results in over 950,000 images with the sheet mask hashtag. After all, an undeniable allure of this skincare product has to be its selfie appeal.
Putting the fun factor aside for a moment though, do sheet masks actually work? When it comes to testing skincare, I firmly believe that it should always do something for your skin for it to take up space in your bathroom cabinet. A product might be cheap, contain trending ingredients, or be celebrity-approved—trust me, I’ll try them all—but you should always be able to see results. I’ve been using sheet masks for years and, having tried hundreds at this point, I can definitely say that there are some on the market that won’t make one bit of difference to your skin. However, there are also a handful that are genuinely worth your money, have visible results and that I repurchase over and over again.
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