Trust Me—This Easy Hair Colour Trend Will be Huge in 2021
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First things first—I think we can all agree that box dye disasters and home haircuts with the kitchen scissors need to be firmly left in 2020, right? After all, nothing beats a professional touch: that feeling when you get to see your hair in the mirror, your colour is all glossy, your strands are perfectly styled, you can hear angels singing… Yes, it’s safe to say that I am itching to get back into the salon—and I’m not alone.
With our desire for a professional application at its peak, it’s no wonder that colourists are predicting that one of the biggest hair trends we’ll see this year is money piece hair—an easy way to completely transform your look without chopping all your hair off. In actual fact, it requires minimal time in the chair and results in maximum time swishing your locks and admiring your brand-new colour.
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