
Britney Spears’ Cousin & Former Assistant Says Jamie Threatened Her LIFE — Scary Details HERE

Look, we know Britney Spears’s conservatorship is bad news, but it seems like we’re only just beginning to scratch the surface of how bad things really are…

The New York Times/FX documentary Framing Britney Spears seemed to open a lot of eyes to the injustices Brit has faced over the years. There were a lot of villains in this story: Justin Timberlake, the paparazzi, and the media in general, to name a few. But above all there’s her father, Jamie Spears, who has controlled her life via conservatorship for more than a decade.

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Now, the Toxic singer’s cousin and former assistant Alli Sims is speaking out against Jamie, and her allegations are even more terrifying than we imagined. Speaking with NBC News, she claimed Jamie had demanded she cut off contact with Britney — or else. She said:

“He 100 percent was threatening me with my life. I didn’t put it past him, so I didn’t answer [her calls again.]”

And the popstar did try to reach out. After two involuntary psychiatric holds in 2008, Brit would use “random people’s phones” to try to call her after her own phone was taken away, Alli remembered. But she was too frightened to answer, let alone try to help. She explained:

“The situation had become way over my head at that point and her dad and other people were involved. … I really do believe [Jamie] would have done something if I didn’t remove myself from the situation.”

This definitely gives more context to Britney’s lawyer claiming she was “afraid” of Jamie, doesn’t it? If Alli is to be believed, the Spears patriarch isn’t above making threats… or carrying them out. Chilling. (Jamie’s legal team did not respond to NBC News‘s request for comment.)

Elsewhere in the interview, Alli reflected on the time she spent working for her cousin. She had sympathy for JT (of his recent apology, she said “everybody makes mistakes, and he wasn’t perfect.”) But the media scrutiny lives with her to this day. She shared:

“Just because I was smiling in a photo going through a drive-thru doesn’t mean that I wanted the attention. I would have much rather been able to drive around town with nobody bothering us.”

Of the overwhelming paparazzi presence that constantly surrounded the Crossroads actress, she recalled:

“There’s so many of them. You’re completely surrounded with them. You’re at their mercy. … It definitely affects you. I mean, this affects me and it has been 13 years.”

While Alli is able to live a “nice and normal” life with her husband and daughter in Louisiana now, back then she was just as young and vulnerable as Britney was. Still, she can’t help but carry “a lot of guilt” for abandoning her cousin at such a crucial moment in her life. She admitted:

“I can’t imagine how alone she felt.”

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Today, she confessed:

“Do I miss her as a person and think about her all the time? Yes. She’s all over the place still. You can’t help but think about her every day.”

Alli went on:

“When I think about how long she has had to endure this and it being 13 years, it just makes me so sad for her. I really do hope one day she’s able to tell her story if that’s what she wants to do. If she does, get ready because there’s more to that story than I’m sure anybody could ever imagine.”

Wow. We really can’t imagine what more lurks underneath this story. We just hope and pray Britney gets the chance to share it with the world.

[Image via Britney Spears/Instagram & Katherine Christine/WENN]

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