5 Hair Colours That Don’t Do Thin Hair Any Favours—and 5 That Absolutely Do
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It seems like no matter our given hair, most of us spend way too much of our time wishing for something else. Those with curly hair will go to great lengths to straighten it, just as natural brunettes will spend hours in colourists’ chairs trying to achieve the perfect blonde. And while everyone has the right to express themselves through the haircut, colour, or style of their choosing, education around best practices for one’s own hair could be the difference between hating what grows out of our heads and loving it. According to Erica Conan, ColorProof director of education, this is especially true when it comes to picking the best hair colours for thin hair.
While those with thin hair have been convinced for years that ultra-light colours are the only ones that work for this hair type, this veteran stylist disagrees. “Colour preservation is key to maintaining a healthy, thicker look to your hair,” Conan explains. In fact, she thinks that as long as the right methods are used, hues from every colour family can be considered for thin hair. Read on for the five colours Conan suggests for thin hair along with styling advice to get the most out of your colour.
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