I’ve Been Wearing a Smartwatch for a Year and I’m Never Going Back
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I’ve never really been a watch person, let alone a smartwatch person. Ever since I got my first mobile from the age of about 17 (shout out to my fellow old Millennials), I’d always use my phone to check the time. And as they slowly became everything in our lives (camera, news, social life), it seemed weird that I’d want something separate from it. Everything was in one place, it was so convenient. But then a few things happened. Firstly, I started running again, and wanted to track my progress without whipping out my phone all the time. Second, staring at your phone all day to check the time isn’t actually that handy when you’re with a toddler. And finally, there was the pandemic. Honor kindly lent me its smartwatch to trial back in February 2020, just before the pandemic hit. While initially I wanted to track my steps during fashion week, once everyone ended up being inside most of the time, I found it incredibly useful to see how much exercise I was doing during the day. What I found was that, although I wasn’t actively trying to lose weight, I did lose a bit and I was able to ensure I moved at least a little bit every day, which isn’t nothing when it’s very hard to motivate yourself to get out of the house. Now, over a year later, I can’t imagine not wearing it.
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