Games World

Random: Ariana Grande Sang About Playing Mario Party And Mario Kart

Baby, you might need a seatbelt when I… hit you with a Blue Shell.

Before we begin: if you’re here to be angry about Ariana Grande, might we suggest reading about something you like instead? We’ve got a pretty crackin’ review of Bowser’s Fury over here, or maybe you’d like to check out an Animal Crossing survey for the chance to win a free Switch game? Either way, we’re going to talk about Ariana Grande now, so you’ve been warned.

Some of you may have listened to the diminutive popstar’s latest album, positions, in which she sings about topics as wide-ranging as maths (34+35), her favourite cardinal direction (west side), and even how to command your dog to stop eating your dinner (off the table). In the sixth track, called “six thirty“, she compares her relationship to, er, the hands of a clock when it’s 6:30 – which is to say, she wants to know if her partner’s “down”. Ahem.

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