Mango Has the Best Shoes on the High Street Right Now
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Spring can be a tricky season for shoes. We’re not ready to pack away our chunky boots quite yet—after all, March always likes to throw us the odd sub-zero curveball—but then again, on the days when the mercury creeps into the upper teens, those sandals start to look very tempting. Gotta love living in the UK. Conveniently, this season Mango has delivered the perfect edit of spring-ready shoes that cover all the bases.
Fifth studio to be picked up by the publisher recently. Focus Home Interactive has acquired the French developer behind the upcoming Metal Slug Tactics, it has been announced. Leiker Studio joins the likes of Dotemu (Streets of Rage 4, Windjammers 2), Douze-Dixiémes (Shady Part of Me), Streum On (Space Hulk: Deathwing) and Deck 13, all […]
Die Partie in Kopenhagen zwischen Gastgeber Dänemark und Finnland wird von einem dramatischen Zwischenfall überschattet. Dänemarks Christian Eriksen bricht auf dem Platz zusammen – das Spiel wurde lange unterbrochen. Dänemark hat seinen EM-Auftakt gegen Finnland mit 0:1 verloren, Union Berlins Joel
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