It’s a Hell of a conversion. Look, we know how this is going to go. We’ve been around the blocks more than a few times, and we’re old enough to have been using the internet when people still gave their emoticons noses (and still called them emoticons), so at this point, we don’t have to […]
Soon we’ll have a full orchestra. You have to hand it to developer Sabec: their catalogue of games sure does cover all the hits. You’ll probably know them best as the people who brought “Calculator” into our lives, but they’ve got quite the portfolio on Switch, from the newly-announced Popeye game to a game that’s […]
Unfallforscher Siegfried Brockmann begrüßt Projekte mit selbstfahrenden Mini-Bussen in Deutschland, mahnt aber auch zur Vorsicht. Angesichts eines vor wenigen Wochen gestarteten Nahverkehrs-Modellprojektes in Karlsruhe-Weiherfeld sagte der Leiter der Unfallforschung der Versicherer: “Das ist ein pri