The Best At-Home Hair Dyes for When You Can’t Get to the Salon
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For those among us who dye their hair, I trust that you understand regular salon trips can be a bit costly. Besides the fact that colouring your hair is insanely expensive, it also takes up a lot of valuable time and requires some serious commitment. Take me, for example. With every salon trip, I get my balayage brought up so that my blonde streaks start roughly two to three inches from my roots. It has now been four months since my last colour appointment, and it’s fair to say my once-beachy balayage now resembles just-tipped dip-dye.
The reason I leave it so long between salon treatments is because I deem going to the salon a bit of a nuisance. The truth is regular salon trips are often so inconvenient that regular colour touch-ups aren’t always doable, and that’s okay. So what exactly can be done to help grown-out lengths? Well, I truly never thought I’d say it, but box dyes have come a really long way. And while I do advise a permanent box dye should always be a last resort, more recently we’ve also seen a rise in products that help prolong the life of colour without relying on strand-damaging bleach.
So if your roots are overdue some TLC and you’re seriously considering taking measures into your own hands, keep scrolling for the best at-home hair tints, colours, glosses and dyes to help tide you over.
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