Stylish Lights Can be Hard to Find—But I Just Found 21 Gems
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When it comes to buying new homewares, there always seem to be particular pieces that are inexplicably hard to find. Just like hunting down the perfect pair of jeans, lighting is a category that I personally struggled with when I moved into my new flat. Dictating the ambience of a room and often acting as the centerpiece from which everything else revolves, this isn’t something you want to get wrong. It also doesn’t help that stylish lights can be cripplingly expensive. Take it from me—someone who spent a good 8 months looking for the perfect living room ceiling light—we need all the help we can get.
While I am by no means an interiors expert, I have definitely put in the hours, scrolling through page upon page of bedside lamps on La Redoute and perfecting my search terms for vintage globe lighting on Etsy. After my many hours of googling, purchases and returns, I now feel like I have a reasonable idea of the lighting trends that will look just as good IRL as they do on your phone screen.
In my own home I have fallen for the retro appeal of oversized globe lighting (mine was from KG Curated Space), the drama of a multi-arm chandelier in the living room (I can vouch for this Next iteration), and the odd pop of colour via marbled shades and flowerpot table lamps. I have also loved upcycling simple bases and shades that I find on Ebay and Etsy, using Farrow & Ball paints to give them a personalised twist. The result? One-of-a-kind designs and a hobby to keep you occupied during lockdown, win-win. Really, the lighting world is your oyster. So, if like me you’re struggling with finding The One, scroll down to see my lighting trends shopping edit.
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