Stylish Lights Can be Hard to Find—But I Just Found 21 Gems
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When it comes to buying new homewares, there always seem to be particular pieces that are inexplicably hard to find. Just like hunting down the perfect pair of jeans, lighting is a category that I personally struggled with when I moved into my new flat. Dictating the ambience of a room and often acting as the centerpiece from which everything else revolves, this isn’t something you want to get wrong. It also doesn’t help that stylish lights can be cripplingly expensive. Take it from me—someone who spent a good 8 months looking for the perfect living room ceiling light—we need all the help we can get.
Le milliardaire Patrick Drahi, fondateur et actionnaire majoritaire d’Altice Europe (SFR, RMC, BFMTV…), va détenir 92,02% du capital du groupe à l’issue de l’opération de rachat d’actions qu’il avait lancée, dans l’objectif de retirer le titre de la Bourse. « Environ 90,89% des actions qui n’étaient pas encore détenues par l’acheteur ont été remises » lors de […]