I’ve Tried So Many Foundations but This Is the Most Versatile One I Own
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Ask any beauty editor or product obsessive where they bought their first proper foundation and, chances are, it will have been from MAC. I have vivid memories of visiting their Carnaby Street store circa 2006 to get colour-matched for a foundation after reading about how all of the top makeup artists had it in their backstage kits. I’d saved up my wages from my Saturday job especially to make the pilgrimage and, I have to say, I was immediately hooked. At the time, it was the most expensive makeup product that I’d ever bought but it turned out to be a serious gamechanger for me in terms of shade and formulation. Up until that point, the affordable high street foundations that I used would always leave my skin looking too orange or too pink; finding foundations to match pale skin with yellow undertones was hit and miss to say the least. And as for my darker-skinned friends and family? Finding a suitable foundation shade back then was basically impossible—unless you went to MAC.
The aforementioned product was MAC Studio Face and Body (£32)—a brilliant, beauty insider foundation but not the one that I’m here to talk to you about today. Because while that was my first taste of MAC foundations—my gateway drug, if you will—my real buzz came when I discovered MAC Studio Fix Fluid SPF 15 Foundation (£27). Honestly since making that initial purchase I have tried hundreds of different foundations but this one is different. In fact, I’m calling it—MAC Studio Fix is the most versatile foundation I own.
Yes, in a beauty industry where we’re encouraged to build product ‘wardrobes’—a mascara for every occasion and a lipstick for each outfit—MAC Studio Fix Fluid Foundation stands out for its adaptability. Yet a lot my friends and fellow beauty editors share the misconception that this is a basic, full coverage foundation. Oh, how wrong they are. Wether you like a sheer, dewy skin look or a natural, matte finish, this foundation does it all.
Keep scrolling to see the three ways that I wear it.
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