If You Invest in One Interiors Trend in 2021, Make it This One
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As a shopping editor, you know you’re onto a winner when you set out to write an article on an interiors trend and you struggle to find enough products. Strange though that may sound, in my experience it means that the item at hand hasn’t quite hit the mainstream yet, so hopefully you can rest easy in the knowledge that you won’t see it every single one of your friends’ houses (well, when we’re allowed in them anyway). My lesser-known trend this month? Checkerboard.
Making surreptitious appearances in the backgrounds of Instagram’s trend-makers, the checkerboard is not the most avant garde interiors trend you’ll come across this year, but it certainly packs a punch. I’ve personally fallen for its graphic lines, rainbow shades and the vintage appeal and personality it adds to any room it makes contact with. Manifesting itself in everything from rugs and cushions, to chairs and mirrors, there might not be many options to be found in the big-name homeware stores, but I did find so many chic checked items on sites such as Etsy and Vinterior.
So where to start? A checkered rug, as seen in the home of Alyssa Coscarelli, seems to be the go-to way to champion the check right now, and I have to say that I am drawn towards the artistic appeal of the colourful iterations I’ve seen on Etsy. However, there are plenty of more subtle ways to incorporate the trend, and I would recommend starting out with a checkered lamp (preferably in shades of green, orange or red), a checked cushion or even a monochrome check-framed mirror (very Queen’s Gambit). Trust me, once you’ve spotted the trend, you’ll start seeing it everywhere on Insta, but if I were you I’d move now before the big brands get wind of it. In summary: If you buy one interiors trend in 2021, make it this one. Scroll down to see and shop my complete checkerboard edit.
Make like Alyssa and contrast a monochrome check with a colour-pop mirror.
I love how Lucy Williams has used a hint of check via a cushion cover to add interest to her sofa set-up.
Why not stick to the classics with a checked table cloth a la Laura Jackson? Bowl of pasta definitely required.
A brown and cream checkered rug is ideal if you want a softer effect but still want to make an impact.
There’s a risk that a check armchair can look a little twee, but you can keep it modern by styling with rustic rattan and pops of orange.
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