I Just Asked Jasmine Tookes How She Gets Such Glowy Skin—Here’s What She Said
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The cynic in me used to believe that asking a supermodel for their skincare tips was counter-intuitive because to be a model you must have amazing skin already, right? Well, in a word, no. The truth of it is that models at the top of their game are likely to have a whole team of people dedicated to helping them achieve that glowy complexion of dreams. Nutritionists, dermatologists, facialists, makeup artists… You name it, and they’ve got the best in the business on speed dial. Yes, with direct access to the very best skincare experts in the world, models are actually the perfect candidates for a chat about all things skin. After all, they’re armed with insider tips and tricks to keep their skin looking its absolute best at all times—their job depends on it.
So when a chance came up to chat with supermodel Jasmine Tookes, I jumped at it, mainly because I already follow her on Instagram and am more than a little obsessed with her glowing complexion. Thankfully, Tookes obliged and was more than happy to spill the beans on everything from her current skincare routine to the best industry advice she’s ever received. Keep scrolling for more.
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