All The Outfits I’ve Loved This Week From Copenhagen’s Fashion Week
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Over the last few years, Copenhagen Fashion Week has become one of the most anticipated events on the fashion calendar. From Ganni to Cecilie Bahnsen and Baum und Pferdgarten, the city is home to some of the most coveted up-and-coming cult labels and is renowned for its adventurous and enviable street style.
As with most things in 2021, this year the event has gone completely digital, though that does not mean that ‘street’ style has taken a back seat. From Emili Sindled to Maria Bernad, influencers in both Copenhagen and beyond have donned their Scandi best to take a virtual front-row seat as brands unveil their latest collections online.
Baum und Pferdgarten hosted a lockdown show, asking influencers across the globe to model a select look from their latest collection. Images were then uploaded simultaneously with each influencer’s caption directing users to the next look, creating a digital scavenger hunt of sorts. Meanwhile, Ganni sent heart-shaped pizza to select #GanniGirls to enjoy while they watched the show.
From New York City sidewalks to couches in Quebec and kitchens in Copenhangen, keep scrolling to see what influencers are wearing to tune into fashion week.
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