Games World

Review: Sword Of The Necromancer – A Dismal Dungeon-Crawler That’s Best Left For Dead

Sometimes dead is better.

A sword that can raise the dead? That’s the opposite of what they usually do! Gosh, if only we had something like that, we could resurrect all our enemies so we can enjoy destroying them again. But we digress. The titular Sword of the Necromancer and its ability to is the hook upon which this game enacts its otherwise familiar dungeon-crawling roguelike gameplay. Unfortunately, it’s a mechanic which is so underutilised that it may as well not even be there.

The story and presentation are the best part of the game. Proceedings begin with a genuinely brilliant animated opening that rather belies the appearance and feel of the game proper. The princess Koko has sadly carked it and it’s up to your player character, Tama, to use the Sword of the Necromancer and raise her from the dead. To quote the most beloved mascot in gaming history, what could possibly go wrong? Famously, raising the dead always tends to pass without incident, right?

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