Games World

Exclusive: Nyamyam On Bringing The Award-Winning “Game Sitcom” Astrologaster To Switch

“The Switch version will get the ‘sitcom’ element across the best”.

Those of you with very good memories might recall the UK studio Nyamyam, which was responsible for the gorgeous Tengami on Wii U. Fronted by former Rare developers Jennifer Schneidereit (Kinect Sports) and Phil Tossell (Star Fox Adventures), Nyamyam created a game engine which simulated to the look of classic pop-up picture books, and in 2019, used this innovative engine to create the ambitious Astrologaster on iOS, a “comic narrative adventure” based on the real-life physician and astrologer Simon Forman, who must use his knowledge of the stars to help the various characters he meets.

Since its release, Astrologaster has been showered with industry awards and nominations, including “Excellence in Audio” (22nd Annual IGF Awards) and “Best Music for an Indie Game” (18th Annual G.A.N.G. Awards), amongst others.

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