Games World

Pokémon Translator Says That Games Can Help Kids Feel Smart In An Education System That’s Failing Them

If you can learn about IV breeding, you can learn anything.

We’re tired of the takes that say that kids are playing too many games. Of course we are – we literally wouldn’t have jobs at Nintendo Life if we hadn’t spent way too many hours on Zelda, Mario, and friends. But there are still people out there who can see games for what they are: potential tools for children to explore, learn, and grow.

Doug Dinsdale is a game translator who’s worked on Pokémon, Dragon Quest, Yakuza, and many more games. His real name is Nob Ogasawara, and he’s likely the person who the Pokémon team named the Black Belt Pokémon Trainer “Nob” after. He took to Twitter yesterday to air a grievance he has with people who don’t think their kids are smart, even when they show great ability through their love of games.

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