Germany World

Iran will EU als Vermittler im Atomstreit mit USA

Die Europäische Union soll beim Atomabkommen zwischen dem Iran und den USA vermitteln. Das schlägt der iranische Außenminister Mohammed Dschawad Sarif vor. Es geht auch um Sanktionen gegen sein Land.  Der Iran hat sich für eine Vermittlung der EU im Streit um das internationale Atomabkommen ausgespr

Germany World

Pop-Queen – Superstar mit Bodenhaftung: Shakira wird 44

Berlin/London (dpa) – Sie gilt seit vielen Jahren als Pop-Superstar, und sorgte erst vor wenigen Tagen für Schlagzeilen: Shakira verkaufte ihre Songrechte an das Unternehmen Hipgnosis. Die kolumbianische Sängerin sei “eine der ernsthaftesten und erfolgreichsten Songwriterinnen der letzten 25 Jahre,

Germany World

TV-Tipp – “Unter anderen Umständen”: Die Wahrheit ist vergraben

Berlin (dpa) – Es ist finstere Nacht, ein einsames Käuzchen ruft über den sturmumtosten Friedhof. Ein Mann macht sich an einem Grab zu schaffen, heftig buddelnd hebt er den darin liegenden Sarg heraus und schleppt ihn davon. So ungewöhnlich beginnt die Folge “Über den Tod hinaus” aus der Krimireihe

Entertainment Tech

Black Panther director Ryan Coogler developing Wakanda series for Disney+

Enlarge / We’ll be getting more Wakanda-centric stories thanks to a new development deal between Black Panther director Ryan Coogler and The Walt Disney Company. (credit: Marvel/Disney) Following on the success of The Mandalorian and WandaVision on Disney+, The Walt Disney Company has tapped Black Panther director Ryan Coogler to develop an as-yet-untitled new series for the […]


Apple rolls out macOS Big Sur 11.2 with bug fixes and Bluetooth tweaks

Enlarge / The update prompt for macOS Big Sur 11.2. (credit: Samuel Axon) Today, Apple pushed out a small update to its macOS 11 Big Sur operating system for supported Mac laptops and desktops. Labeled Big Sur 11.2, the update “improves Bluetooth reliability” and fixes a number of bugs. Those bugs include one widely reported […]


SpaceX announces first “free flyer” human spaceflight

Enlarge / Jared Isaacman at SpaceX Headquarters in Hawthorne, California. (credit: SpaceX) SpaceX announced Monday that it will fly a space tourism flight as early as the fourth quarter of this year, billing it as the first “all-civilian” mission to space. A tech entrepreneur named Jared Isaacman has financed the mission, named “Inspiration4,” and will […]


Myanmar’s coup, explained

Myanmar’s military has announced that it has seized power and will rule the country for at least one year after detaining its top political leaders. | Stringer/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images Aung San Suu Kyi’s pro-democracy party was gaining strength, so the ruling military launched a coup. Myanmar’s military has ended its decade-long dalliance with democracy […]

Games World

Random: Which One Of These Cursed Game Boy Colors Is Your Favourite?

Old Nintendo adverts: a treasure trove of weirdness. The ’90s were a wild time for video game adverts. Most of them were about genitalia in some way or another. A lot of them were about the anatomy of women. It really wasn’t a great time, to be honest – but some adverts were a little […]

Games World

A Journalist Asked Actual Kids What They Thought About The “Kids Play Too Many Video Games” Argument

Anne Helen Petersen interviews children from 5 to 15 about their gaming habits. Journalist Anne Helen Petersen is tired of the “alarmist rhetoric” around video games. She’s not the only one. In her newsletter, Culture Study, Petersen has already spoken to psychologist Rachel Kowert about the fearmongering, satanic-panic-adjacent stigma around gaming, and how it’s not […]

France World

Les mal-logés paient le prix fort de la crise sanitaire, alerte la Fondation Abbé Pierre

Selon le rapport annuel de la Fondation Abbé Pierre, moins de logements sociaux ont été attribués en 2020 en raison des lenteurs administratives provoquées par la crise du Covid-19. Face à la détérioration des conditions économiques, l’association alerte sur un risque d’explosion des expulsions en 2021.