Games World

GameStop Founder Comments On The Reddit Frenzy, Says It’s An “Honor” To Be Chosen

Reddit users reportedly reply “stonks!! ??? ??”.

So, it turns out that the son of one of the founders of GameStop has been on r/wallstreetbets this whole time, watching the saga unfold. If you need a primer on what exactly we’re talking about here, go read our coverage – we’ll wait.

Ben Kusin, the Redditor in question, is one of the sons of Gary Kusin, the 69-year old founder of Babbage’s, the store that would later be bought by Barnes and Noble in 1999, and renamed to GameStop. Kusin resigned as President in 1995, after the company merged with Software, Inc. Of course, that means that Kusin doesn’t actually own GameStop any more, although he’s probably rolling in enough dough that it doesn’t really matter.

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