These 12 Outfits Show a White Shirt Is One Item Everyone Should Own
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When it comes to particular wardrobe classics, there is a hierarchy of importance for me which goes accordingly: blue jeans, white shirt, black roll neck jumper. I have discovered over the years that my favourite blue jeans depends on the style I love the most at the time (sometimes straight-leg, sometimes cropped flare) and my favourite black roll neck came into my life four years ago courtesy of Ganni, which I snapped up in the Net-a-Porter sale. So, that just leaves the white shirt. I have a very uncomplicated view on this item. It should be oversized, cuffs not so long they engulf your hands and material thick enough so that it doesn’t show your underwear. However, despite my clear criteria I haven’t always been successful in my shopping endeavors. There have been the ones that gapped open at my chest, despite plenty of material below. Or ones that have been so oversized, I have looked like a toddler trying on a parent’s clothing. But this month I discovered my favourite white shirt for far: the men’s button down from Arket.
If you’re inspired by the above looks, keep scrolling to see how more of the coolest women on Instagram have styled theirs then keep going to shop the best white shirts.
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