I’m A Beauty Expert, And These 6 Skincare Myths Need to Be Debunked ASAP
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A main part of my job as a beauty journalist is to speak to a wide variety of skin experts in a bid to demystify the ever-confusing world of skincare. Like many things in life, when it comes to what’s good and what’s bad for our skin, there is an abundance of conflicting information. And while this has been true for years (brands can find a study that proves anything if they just look hard enough), a new rise of skinfluencers on social media creating easily-digestible content has thrown another spanner into the works, inciting more confusion. The truth is, despite speaking to dermatologists, facialists and clinical aestheticians every single day, even I’m confused.
And while there is a whole bunch of questionable advice out there that could have skincare experts debating for days, there are recurring pieces of false information on social media that they are growing increasingly frustrated over, and as a result, I am too. Crucially, it is important to remember that in skincare, there is no one-rule-fits-all answer to anything, however experts argue it’s important to have a basic understanding of the extra information that often gets left out. So, in a bid to help debunk some of the skin-shaming myths doing the rounds right now, I reached out to some of the most straight-talking skin experts in the game to uncover the social media skincare lies that rile them up the most.
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