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It can sometimes feel like you can really miss out when you’re on a budget, particularly when it comes to fashion. It doesn’t help that so many trending items or influencer shots feature predominantly high-end and designer pieces that are simply not viable for the average person. Winter clothes seem to be the hardest in this regard, with pieces such as the AW20 puffer jacket typically coming in over £100, even from high street brands.
While we always stand by the ‘buy-less-buy-better’ mantra, we also think that this doesn’t always mean having to fork out three-figures for a fancy brand, rather it’s just about being selective and mindful with your purchases. Case in point: There are plenty of puffers to be found for under £100 online right now, but rather than impulse buying (always a risk with affordable options), try and think about what style, colour and fit will go best with your pre-existing wardrobe and will continue to look good for many seasons to come. To get you started, we’ve put together an edit of affordable puffers that are sure to keep you cosy until spring arrives. From Monki’s recycled cropped styles to Weekday’s oversized iterations, scroll down to see and shop the under £100 puffers we’re rating right now.
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