Games World

Mini Review: Disjunction – A Fine-Looking Homage To Konami’s Classic Metal Gear Titles

Tactical Dystopian Action.

Stealth games are pretty hard to come by these days. Good ones are even fewer and far between. The good news is that Disjunction feels like a breath of fresh air, then. Its gameplay is like a love letter to stealth games of yore, melding together tight, responsive gunplay with effective close-range combat, all wrapped up in a nostalgic, visually arresting package that absolutely calls back to the MSX2 Metal Gear titles.

Taking place in a dystopian, cyber-punk version of New York City, you play as three unique characters, each with their own distinct narrative. The storyline is surprisingly engaging from the start, with codec conversations and physical encounters driving the plot as you advance to each level. There are plenty of moments where you’re given the option to choose between various dialogue choices to help guide the narrative, and these are actually well implemented for the most part.

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